

Equipping the interiors of hotels and other accommodation facilities is a separate chapter in the production and supply of interiors. In this category, there are requirements for quality, ergonomics, easy and fast maintenance, price and delivery date. We have completed many realizations from international hotel chains through spa houses, guesthouses to hostels or airbnb accommodation. Part of our offer are complete realizations or we only solve the delivery of rooms or facilities. We equip accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe and we can rely on our own production capacity, which is indispensable for these projects. Our team is ready to work with architects or possibly design the interiors of any building and also completely manufacture, supply and install everything. Our production has modern technology, such as gluing edges with PUR technology, robotic painting, CNC machining of parts.
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The design and quality of materials are the basis for job well done. You can choose with us from different types of materials - solid wood, veneer, laminate, stone, ceramics, fabrics, leather, glass, metals and other.



An important part of a hotel is the interior equipment. We can show you drawers, hinges, tilting mechanisms, sideboards, lighting, electric controls and other components in our showroom.


We can advise you when choosing accessories. We emphasize quality, design and service. Beds, mattresses and slats from Czech and foreign manufacturers complete our interiors.

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