

Photovoltaic panels

Using the sun's rays to generate electricity not only helps reduce CO2 emissions, but also the overall cost of energy.

We have a photovoltaic power plant with a total output of 500 kWp, which is located on the roofs of production halls with an area of 8,000 m2.





The energy-saving project also includes a battery for storing unused energy from photovoltaic panels.

The battery has a capacity of 1 MWh and is a unique project in the Czech Republic.

ARBYD can thus be energy self-sufficient for ten months of the year.




Wood waste boiler


The production includes its own automatic boiler with a wood waste shredder and a suction filter with a heat output of 300 kW.

In this way, the administrative building and the entire production area are heated, and the company is therefore 100% self-sufficient in this respect.

The company ARBYD is not only ecological and energy-saving, but is also included in the RESINDUSTRY project and was selected with the automatic boiler project among the 27 best projects in Europe as an example of good practice in the use of renewable energy sources in industry, and also included among the 10 most progressive companies in the Czech Republic.


Waste management


We sort waste and we are part of
Responsible Business Project.

Every year we contribute to improving the environment and significantly reducing CO2 emissions in the air.

We are involved in the combined fulfillment system
of the EKO-KOM packaging waste take-back and recovery scheme.

We are also part of the Green Company ® project, which aims to
environmental protection and environmentally friendly waste disposal. We hold ISO 9001:2015 certification as well as ISO 14001:2015, which constitutes an environmental management system.

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