
Our production


Our goal is to make a good-quality Czech furniture with the help of the latest technology with an underlining quality, ecology and service. 

Our own production makes real to be unlimited creative in interior design, technical solutions and material and surfaces choose.  With the help of it we can make any Your wish come true.

Separation of materials

Quality furniture starts with quality processing of materials. We cut materials with diamond tools, which guarantees the perfect look of your furniture. 

Edge gluing technology

Our products are glued with the highest quality PUR technology

• maximum joint strength

• design without visible joint

• resistance to moisture

• lifetime guarantee on the quality of gluing

PUR adhesive technology does not come cheap, but it is standard for all our customers. 


The quality of painting is one of the most important parts of furniture. We combine the handwork of our experienced painters with the work of a robotic line. We use Italian varnishes of the highest quality. 


Solid and veneered products cannot do without precise handwork.

We are proud of our products and the skill of our employees. 

0 m2
own production area
0 years
history of our products
implemented projects annually

Our production



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